After 7 semesters, I can finally call myself a Notre Dame alum!

There have been so many memories made these past few years, from some of the awesome football wins we've had (especially thinking about the 2020 Clemson game) to the amazing friends I've met in Fisher and on water polo. Of course, it was not all easy. Between Covid, difficult classes, and the cold weather, there were plenty of struggles, but it was all worth it and I could not have asked for a better college experience.

Due to several circumstances I wound up a bit ahead on my credits and made the decision to graduate a semester early with a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science. I'll still walk with my classmates in May 2022, and plan to stay in South Bend with my college roommates during the spring 2022 semester. Since the company I'm working for, WorkOS, is fully remote I'm able to sort of continue living the college life until May graduation while still getting a head start on my career and will start working for them in January. After my college friends graduate, I plan to move to New York City with them some time early fall or late summer of 2022.

Now that I've completed my degree, here's a list of all the classes I took.

Core Requirements / General Education

  • Design Thinking (DESN 20203)
  • Micro Econ (ECON 10010)
  • The American Revolution (HIST 30602)
  • Theology University Seminar (THEO 13183)
  • Christianity & World Religions (THEO 20828)
  • God and the Good Life (PHIL 10111)
  • Formal Logic (PHIL 30313)
  • Writing & Rhetoric (WR 13300)

Engineering Requirements

  • Intro Chemistry (CHEM 10171)
  • Calc 1 (placed out)
  • Calc 2 (placed out)
  • Calc 3 (MATH 20550)
  • Linear Algebra & Differential Equations (MATH 20580)
  • Physics 1 (placed out)
  • Physics 2 (PHYS 10320)
  • Intro Engineering 1 (EG 10111)
  • Intro Engineering 2 (EG 10112)

Computer Science Major Requirements

  • Discrete Math (CSE 20110)
  • Fundamentals of Computing (CSE 20311)
  • Data Structures (CSE 20312)
  • Logic Design (CSE 20221)
  • Systems Programming (CSE 20289) - My favorite class!
  • Computer Architecture (CSE 30321)
  • Operating Systems (CSE 30341)
  • Theory of Computing (CSE 30151)
  • Intro to Probability (ACMS 30530)
  • Programming Paradigms (CSE 30332)
  • Algorithms (CSE 40113)
  • Ethical & Professional Issues (CSE 40175)

Computer Science Elective Requirements

  • Databases (CSE 30246)
  • Computer Networks (CSE 30264)
  • Programming Challenges (CSE 34872)
  • Compilers & Language Design (CSE 40243)
  • Modern Web Development (CSE 40693)
  • Case Studies in Computing Based Entrepreneurship (CSE 40923)
  • Undergraduate Research for credit (x3 semesters)

If you're a prospective student considering Notre Dame CS or a current student wanting advice on how to navigate the program, I'm always happy to talk! You can reach out to me via email or LinkedIn.

Go Irish! ☘️